Higgins Geo-X Solutions LLC. provides Professional Consulting Services for Geology, Water and Water Rights, Geography and GIS, and Sustainable Design Systems
What can a Registered Geologist do?

What can a Registered Geologist do?

What can Registered Professional Geologist Do? (according to Oregon State Board of License Geologist Examiners):

Registered Geologists (RG):  Locate, describe and evaluate geologic resources and features on the earth’s surface as well as those below the surface; advise on the extraction of these natural resources; locate, map and interpret data on geological hazards and advise on remedies.

Some projects an RG includes but not limited to:

  • Evaluate groundwater resources and how new developments of groundwater will impact other human and ecological uses.
  • Understand flowing water systems and participate in stream restoration projects.
  • Determine the placement of water wells, evaluate the water quality and capacity of wells.
  • Assess direction and movement of groundwater flow and recharge from storm water.
  • Map and interpret geologic hazards for land-use planning.
  • Mapping faults; trench fault alignments; and evaluate seismic hazards.
  • Mapping and investigate gravel, sand, and mineral deposits; assess their economic value; and evaluate their potential for development.
  • Assess coastal hazards and advise on the potential for coastal erosion.
  • Evaluate slope stability and landslide potential when not involving buildings, roads, dams, retaining walls, etc.
  • Make recommendations on the management and disposal of contaminated soil especially during construction projects.​​
  • Characterize and evaluate sites for petroleum and chemical contamination.
  • Write a geologic report.

Geologic Report: A written report should meet generally recognized standards for a geologic report; in particular the report should state the purpose and scope of the work done, discuss methodology, present documentation, present interpretations, make recommendations, and state limitations of the report.​​


Oregon State Board of License Geologist Examiners (OSBGE)

OSBGE Resources

Contact Michael Higgins, R.G., C.W.R.E.

Excavated cutslope in highly weathered granitic bedrock.
San Vicente Dam Raise