Water and Water Rights
Obtain a new water right with Oregon Department of Water Resources. If your project requires a hydrogeology review, then HGX can help.
Obtain a new water right with Oregon Department of Water Resources. If your project requires a hydrogeology review, then HGX can help.
HGX Solutions, LLC general project list: Geology Hydrogeology Water Wells Reviews Site water balance analysis Sustainable Design Systems Permaculture Design Water harvesting and conveyance Site suitability assessment Maps and Models High resolution orthorectified aerial photo …
Based on integrated system of ecological and environmental design as a perennial and sustainable form of agriculture. More to come…
At HGX, we truly believe in working with innovated approaches to green solutions for a healthier environment and community. Some of the design solutions includes working with nature and an holistic management philosophy. Sustainability in …
If your projects would benefit with high resolution orthorectified aerial photo mosaics, then HGX can help to provide these very high quality imagery and maps.